Revealing Wholeness
An Online Certificated Class with Rev. Gregory Toole
Teaching Assistant: Ann Kinnett, RScP
Teaching Assistant: Ann Kinnett, RScP
Seven Thursdays, beginning January 14
6 - 8 pm
Online via Zoom
Register thru PayPal: (click here)
Investment: $225.
Includes workbook, certificate from CSL Home Office,
and counts toward practitioner training prerequisites.
(Payment plans and partial scholarships available: email Rev. Gregory at [email protected].)
Books for the class:
Mind Over Medicine, Dr. Lissa Rankin
The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes
In this seven-session class you will:
- Apply the Principle of Oneness to Wholeness, health and well-being.
- Differentiate between conscious mind and subconscious mind and the role they play in Creative Law to demonstrate well-being.
- Identify personal beliefs about the body and how these beliefs relate to health, wholeness and well-being.
- Compare the Science of Mind teaching of the Creative Process with the “observer effect” in quantum physics.
- Demonstrate optimum health and well-being through the use of spiritual practice
- Identify the role of the Placebo Effect and the Nocebo Effect in creating optimum health and well-being.
- Explore the ideas of self-love and nurturing care in relationship to well-being.